摘要: |
随着雷达技术的广泛应用,雷达也面临诸多挑战,对微弱目标检测时,由于直达波回波和多径回波同时存在导致无法准确检测到目标,因此通常将多径回波视为干扰对其进行抑制。然而,由于多径回波中还包含目标的运动信息,可以考虑利用多径回波来提高雷达的探测性能。因此,本文提出一种新的利用多径信号增强直达波信号的微弱目标增强算法(Multipath Signal Exploitation, MSE),该算法在多目标情况下依然有效。MSE算法通过构造两个位移函数在距离频域慢时间域对回波进行补偿,消除了不同初始距离的影响,将多径信号回波集中在直达波所在位置。然后对补偿后的回波和直达波沿快时间维求和,进一步增强了回波的能量。最后进行了仿真实验,结果证明了MSE算法在多目标场景下的有效性。 |
关键词: 多径利用 微弱目标增强 多目标 补偿函数 |
DOI: |
分类号:TN957 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.62161029);江西省自然科学基金(No.20202BABL202002) |
Weak Target Enhancement Algorithm Based on Multipath Signal Exploitation in Multi-Targets Scenario |
Abstract: |
With the wide application of radar technology, radar is also faced with many challenges. For weak target detection, the simultaneous existence of direct path echo and multipath echo makes it impossible to detect the target accurately, so generally multipath echoes are considered as interference and should be suppressed. However, since the multipath echoes also contain target’s motion information, which should be used to enhance the radar detection performance. Therefore, in this paper a novel signal enhancement algorithm, is proposed to detect weak target based on multipath signal exploitation (MSE), the algorithm is effective even in multi-targets scenario. two displacement functions are constructed to compensate the echoes in range frequency-slow time domain, which eliminates the influence of different initial distances, and the multipath echoes are focused on where the direct path echo locates. Then the compensated echoes and direct path echoes are summed along fast time dimension, and the energy of the echoes is further focused. In addition, when there are multiple targets, MSE algorithm can eliminate the interference of multipath echoes and enhance the signal energy of multiple targets by using multipath echoes, the MSE algorithm is still effective when there are multiple targets in the environment. At last, some simulation experiments are provided to testify the effectiveness of MSE in muti-targets scenario. |
Key words: multipath signal exploitation, weak target enhancement, muti-targets, displacement function |